Results for 'Alexandre Font Jaume'

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  1.  4
    Las tesis de Calatayud.Bartomeu Pou I. Puigserver, Alexandre Font Jaume & Sebastiáa Trias Mercant - 1992 - Barcelona: PPU, S.A.. Edited by Alexandre Font Jaume & Sebastià Trias Mercant.
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    Update on the Use of Transcranial Electrical Brain Stimulation to Manage Acute and Chronic COVID-19 Symptoms.Giuseppina Pilloni, Marom Bikson, Bashar W. Badran, Mark S. George, Steven A. Kautz, Alexandre Hideki Okano, Abrahão Fontes Baptista & Leigh E. Charvet - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Moral Legitimacy in Controversial Projects and Its Relationship with Social License to Operate: A Case Study.Domènec Melé & Jaume Armengou - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 136 (4):729-742.
    Moral legitimacy entails intrinsic value and helps executives convince firm’s stakeholders and the general public of the ethical acceptability of an institution or its activities or projects. Social license to operate is the social approval of those affected by a certain business activity, and it is receiving increasing attention, especially in the context of controversial projects such as mining and public works. Moral legitimacy provides ethical support to SLO. Drawing from the Aristotelian-Thomistic tradition and taking substantive justice and the common (...)
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    Bergson et les droits de l'homme: La conversion et le souci de soi.Alexandre Lefebvre - 2016 - Dissertatio 43 (S4):172-193.
    Este artigo examina a concepção bergsoniana de direitos humanos [les doits de l’homme] em As Duas Fontes da Moral e da Religião. Proponho que Bergson apresenta uma visão original quanto aos direitos humanos. Mais do que entendê-los como um dispositivo para proteger os seres humanos de sérios abusos sociais, legais e políticos, Bergson os concebia como um meio de transformação pessoal. Em particular, argumento que para Bergson o verdadeiro potencial dos direitos humanos é iniciar toda a humanidade numa vida predisposta (...)
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    Traduzindo Lord Alfred Tennyson.Alexandre Bartilotti Machado - 2021 - REVISTA LIBERTAÇÃO - A FILOSOFIA A EDUCAÇÃO E SUAS INTERFACES 2 (1).
    Nosso objetivo aqui é o de expor uma tradução do poema Ulysses (1842), de Lord Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892). Uma tradução de Ulysses nos parece importante para termos mais uma fonte para investigar as relações entre estudos de gênero, história das mentalidades e representações literárias 1) na Antiguidade homérica e 2) numa relação dialética entre o tempo no qual o poema se passa e o tempo no qual ele é produzido, a Modernidade oitocentista.
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    Mnemosyne and Lethe: Heidegger’s interpretation of truth.Alexandre Rubenich Silva - 2014 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 13:71-84.
    O texto propõe articular a interpretação heideggeriana da verdade à luz da concepção de memória/reminiscência elaborada por Martin Heidegger em sua leitura fenomenológico-hermenêutica de Platão. Para tanto, o trabalho aproxima as interpretações apresentadas pelo filósofo alemão em dois textos complementares, a saber, Platons Lehre von der Wahrheit e Parmenides , tendo como pano de fundo a hipótese de que a memória não se constitui sem ter por base uma perda originária, um ‘ao menos um’ que jamais comparece na totalidade do (...)
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    O tratamento da melancolia em Ficino.Cláudio Alexandre S. Carvalho - 2019 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 28 (56):297-354.
    A partir da leitura dos escritos de Ficino dedicados à melancolia, a presente investigação considera o modo como, combinando elementos de diversas fontes, o filósofo florentino contribuiu decisivamente para compreensão dessa condição e para a constituição de um medium terapêutico diferenciado. O enquadramento do De Vita Libri Tres na longa sucessão de teorias médico-‑filosóficas relativas à constituição melancólica revela a sua participação na dimensão incremental de uma densa semântica, mas também, de modo decisivo, a ausência de uma evolução unívoca das (...)
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    Est-il trop tard pour l’effondrement?Laurence Allard, Alexandre Monnin & Cyprien Tasset - 2019 - Multitudes 76 (3):53-67.
    Cette introduction invite à décadrer et à recadrer la thématique de l’effondrement, popularisée et médiatisée par la théorie dite « collapsologie », vers le plan des acteurs, des terrains, des temporalités, et des régimes d’énonciation. Nous appelons à documenter empiriquement ce que fait l’effondrement, et ce qu’en font celles et ceux à qui cette idée « fait » quelque chose. En effet, l’effondrisme pose la question des façons de se positionner non pas uniquement par rapport à une théorie, mais (...)
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    Notas sobre a masculinidade no pensamento pedagógico de Johann Friedrich Herbart.Alexandre Rodrigo Nishiwaki da Silva & Celso Conti - 2022 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 27:022014.
    O presente artigo tem como objetivo, a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica desenvolvida no âmbito do doutorado em Educação, analisar as ideias pedagógicas de Johann Friedrich Herbart (1776-1841) e as possíveis contribuições do mesmo para a construção da masculinidade moderna. Herbart é um dos precursores da Pedagogia enquanto ciência organizada, associando diretamente os conhecimentos da filosofia, da educação e da psicologia para formular um aparato teórico que respondesse às transformações dos séculos XVII e XVIII, notadamente o Iluminismo Francês e a ascensão (...)
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    A literatura de cordel como ferramenta para a aquisição do letramento literário em turma de 9º ano do ensino fundamental.Sebastião José Leones de Oliveira & Alexandre António Timbane - 2022 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 8.
    A literatura é uma das expressões artísticas mais significativas na história das civilizações, porque o homem constrói o mundo real e imaginário. Ao analisarmos o ensino da literatura, nota-se o quanto o trabalho com essa arte, em sala de aula tem demonstrado um tanto quanto ineficaz, haja vista falta de cultura literária por parte dos estudantes. Nesse contexto, é visto na Literatura de Cordel uma fonte alternativa de trabalho com a prática literária, pois esta carrega importantes marcas e traços de (...)
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    Urbanização: movimentos socioespaciais e o surgimento da esquistossomose: reflexos na sociedade.Joselane Ramos Magalhães Bertolino, Carlos Alexandre de Bortolo & Nídia Francisca de Figueiredo Carneiro - 2024 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 26 (1):52-72.
    A higiene dos espaços e o interesse em uma vida mais saudável levou pesquisadores a examinar a relação entre saúde, meio ambiente e movimentos socioespaciais na proliferação de doenças como a esquistossomose. As migrações de pessoas por melhores oportunidades de trabalho e acesso a serviços de saúde podem impactar na distribuição geográfica dessas doenças. O cenário de doenças de veiculação hídricas, devido à falta de saneamento básico e migrações tem sido uma preocupação da sociedade e órgãos ambientais, pois, podem influenciar (...)
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    O pensamento emancipador de Enrique Dussel (1934-2023).Hernán Crego Bonhomme, Yuri Alexandre Ferrete & Adriano Furtado Holanda - 2023 - Phenomenology, Humanities and Sciences 5 (3):216-219.
    Façamos uma lista dos dez filósofos que mais gostamos. Façamos o mesmo com os sociólogos, antropólogos ou da disciplina que queiramos. Aposto que o resultado desta lista será a notável evidência do colonialismo sedimentado em nossa cultura. Salvo exceções, nenhum destes nomes será um nome de origem latino-americana. Todos, se não a grande a maioria, serão personagens europeus que povoam os programas escolares e universitários e que tem conseguido sufocar o interesse e alimentado o desprezo pela produção latino-americana. Voltar a (...)
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    Livros e Bienal.Pedro Paulo Pimenta, Eder Corbanezi, Alexandre Amaral Rodrigues & Rosa Gabriela de Castro Gonçalves - 2021 - Discurso 51 (2):193-205.
    Resenha dos livros Aisthesis. Cenas do regime estético da arte e Le temps du paysage. Aux origines de la révolution esthétique, de Jacques Rancière. De As três fontes das filosofias da história, de Bertrand Binoche, e de A filosofia da fisiocracia: Metafísica, política, economia, de Thiago Vargas. Conta ainda com uma resenha da 34ª Bienal de São Paulo.
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    A Interconexão Entre Reflexão e Prática - o Modo Franciscano de Educar.Célia de Fátima Rosa da Veiga & Marcos Alexandre Alves - 2023 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 16 (31):33-42.
    O artigo objetiva, em âmbito reflexivo-prático, uma abordagem da essência da Pedagogia Franciscana, como ato emancipatório, crítico e capaz de desenvolver competências técnico-científicas e habilidades humanas. Dimensões estas, necessárias para a construção do conhecimento, do sentido da vida e de um mundo fraterno, voltados para a promoção de relações mais justas e pacíficas. O percurso teórico deste estudo, apresenta a pedagogia franciscana a partir de um processo formativo que age na interioridade, na interação social e fraterna. Para tanto, requer-se um (...)
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    Avicena e suas fontes: Alexandre de Afrodísia e Temístio (Parte 1).Meline Costa Sousa - 2021 - Dois Pontos 18 (1).
    Esse artigo faz parte de um estudo maior sobre Avicena e suas fontes tardo-antigas que visa a analisar a relação entre Avicena, Alexandre de Afrodísia e Temístio no que diz respeito ao intelecto. Há, ainda hoje, uma série de questões discutidas pelos estudiosos relativas à teoria noética de Avicena. Uma dessas questões trata da natureza do intelecto agente e da sua relação com o intelecto humano. Contudo, dada a complexidade dessa relação, as linhas que se seguem consistem na primeira (...)
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    Laurent Alexandre et Jean-Michel Besnier. Les robots font-ils l’amour? Le transhumanisme en 12 questions, Paris, Dunod, 2016, 144 pages. [REVIEW]Guillaume Lejeune - 2017 - Philosophiques 44 (1):165-170.
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    Alexandre d'Aphrodise contre Galien.Silvia Fazzo - 2002 - Philosophie Antique 2:109-144.
    Un certain nombre de sources arabes font état d'une polémique entre Alexandre et Galien. Une tendance marquée de la recherche a été de lire nos sources grecques, relativement peu nombreuses, à la lumière de cette tradition. L'objectif de cet article est de contester le bien-fondé d'une telle orientation, et de dégager en même temps le statut spécifique de ce genre de récit biographique.
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    Fenomenologia do Direito em Alexandre Kojève.Agemir Bavaresco & Sérgio B. Christino - 2006 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 51 (4):5-28.
    O tema do reconhecimento é central na obra de G. W. F Hegel. Classicamente, situa-se na figura da luta entre o senhor e o escravo, na Fenomenologia do Espírito. A intersubjetividade e, portanto, o reconhecimento, na obra hegeliana, colocam o seguinte problema: como é possível construir uma interpretação que supere o conceito de subjetividads moderna, positivado pela prática jusfilosófica, vindo a garantir um novo paradigma fundado na intersubjetividade e, portanto, pressupondo a teoria hegeliana do reconhecimento? Em primeiro lugar, analisa-se o (...)
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    Le Moment Marxiste de la Phénoménologie Française: Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, Trần Đức Thảo.Alexandre Feron - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    Entre la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et le début des années 1960, certaines des figures majeures du courant phénoménologique en France, Jean-Paul Sartre, Maurice Merleau-Ponty et Trần Đức Thảo, considèrent que le projet d’articuler marxisme et phénoménologie constitue l’un des principaux enjeux de la philosophie dans le monde contemporain. L'objet de cet ouvrage est de comprendre la spécificité du travail philosophique effectué par chacun de ces penseurs sur ces deux courants de pensée apparemment incompatibles afin de rendre possible (...)
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  20. Making Sense of the Cotard Syndrome: Insights from the Study of Depersonalisation.Alexandre Billon - 2016 - Mind and Language 31 (3):356-391.
    Patients suffering from the Cotard syndrome can deny being alive, having guts, thinking or even existing. They can also complain that the world or time have ceased to exist. In this article, I argue that even though the leading neurocognitive accounts have difficulties meeting that task, we should, and we can, make sense of these bizarre delusions. To that effect, I draw on the close connection between the Cotard syndrome and a more common condition known as depersonalisation. Even though they (...)
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    An Integer Construction of Infinitesimals: Toward a Theory of Eudoxus Hyperreals.Alexandre Borovik, Renling Jin & Mikhail G. Katz - 2012 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 53 (4):557-570.
    A construction of the real number system based on almost homomorphisms of the integers $\mathbb {Z}$ was proposed by Schanuel, Arthan, and others. We combine such a construction with the ultrapower or limit ultrapower construction to construct the hyperreals out of integers. In fact, any hyperreal field, whose universe is a set, can be obtained by such a one-step construction directly out of integers. Even the maximal (i.e., On -saturated) hyperreal number system described by Kanovei and Reeken (2004) and independently (...)
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    Galileo Studies.Alexandre Koyré - 1978 - Humanities Press.
  23. Why Are We Certain that We Exist?Alexandre Billon - 2014 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 91 (3):723-759.
    Descartes was certain that he was thinking and he was accordingly certain that he existed. Like Descartes, we seem to be more certain of our thoughts and our existence than of anything else. What is less clear is the reason why we are thus certain. Philosophers throughout history have provided different interpretations of the cogito, disagreeing both on the kind of thoughts it characterizes and on the reasons for its cogency. According to what we may call the empiricist interpretation of (...)
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  24. Mental Disorder and the Concept of Authenticity.Alexandre Erler & Tony Hope - 2014 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 21 (3):219-232.
    Authenticity has recently emerged as an important issue in discussions of mental disorder. We show, on the basis of personal accounts and empirical studies, that many people with psychological disorders are preoccupied with questions of authenticity. Most of the data considered in this paper are from studies of people with bipolar disorder and anorexia nervosa. We distinguish the various ways in which these people view the relationship between the disorder and their sense of their authentic self. We discuss the principal (...)
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    Fun and fear: The banalization of nuclear technologies through display.Jaume Sastre-Juan & Jaume Valentines-Álvarez - 2019 - Centaurus 61 (1-2):2-13.
    How do nuclear technologies become commonplace? How have the borders between the exceptional and the banal been drawn and redrawn over the last 70 years in order to make nuclear energy part of everyday life? This special issue analyzes the role of fun and display, broadly construed, in shaping the cultural representation and the material circulation (or non-circulation) of nuclear technologies. Four case studies, covering the United States, Great Britain, Portugal, Spain, and Ukraine from the 1950s to the 2000s, explore (...)
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  26. Taking Degrees of Truth Seriously.Josep Maria Font - 2009 - Studia Logica 91 (3):383-406.
    This is a contribution to the discussion on the role of truth degrees in manyvalued logics from the perspective of abstract algebraic logic. It starts with some thoughts on the so-called Suszko’s Thesis (that every logic is two-valued) and on the conception of semantics that underlies it, which includes the truth-preserving notion of consequence. The alternative usage of truth values in order to define logics that preserve degrees of truth is presented and discussed. Some recent works studying these in the (...)
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  27. On the infinite-valued Łukasiewicz logic that preserves degrees of truth.Josep Maria Font, Àngel J. Gil, Antoni Torrens & Ventura Verdú - 2006 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 45 (7):839-868.
    Łukasiewicz’s infinite-valued logic is commonly defined as the set of formulas that take the value 1 under all evaluations in the Łukasiewicz algebra on the unit real interval. In the literature a deductive system axiomatized in a Hilbert style was associated to it, and was later shown to be semantically defined from Łukasiewicz algebra by using a “truth-preserving” scheme. This deductive system is algebraizable, non-selfextensional and does not satisfy the deduction theorem. In addition, there exists no Gentzen calculus fully adequate (...)
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    Seguridad y riesgo de toxicidad de los alimentos: un debate actual.Abel Mariné Font & M. Carmen Vidal Carou - 2001 - Arbor 168 (661):43-63.
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  29. A partial elucidation of the gauge principle.Alexandre Guay - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 39 (2):346-363.
    The elucidation of the gauge principle ‘‘is the most pressing problem in current philosophy of physics’’ said Michael Redhead in 2003. This paper argues for two points that contribute to this elucidation in the context of Yang–Mills theories. (1) Yang–Mills theories, including quantum electrodynamics, form a class. They should be interpreted together. To focus on electrodynamics is potentially misleading. (2) The essential role of gauge and BRST symmetries is to provide a local field theory that can be quantized and would (...)
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    Bidirectional lexical–gustatory synesthesia.François Richer, Guillaume-Alexandre Beaufils & Sophie Poirier - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1738-1743.
    In developmental lexical–gustatory synesthesia, specific words can trigger taste perceptions and these synesthetic associations are generally stable. We describe a case of multilingual lexical–gustatory synesthesia for whom some synesthesias were bidirectional as some tastes also triggered auditory word associations. Evoked concurrents could be gustatory but also tactile sensations. In addition to words and pseudowords, many voices were effective inducers, suggesting increased connections between cortical taste areas and both voice-selective and language-selective areas. Lasting changes in some evoked tastes occurred during childhood (...)
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    L‘évolution du concept de raison dans la pensée occidentale.Louis Rougier - 1957 - Dialectica 11 (3-4):306-326.
    RésuméIl n'y a pas de sujet plus idoine à justifier la philosophie ouverte qui est celle de Dialectica que l'étude de l'évolution du concept de raison dans la pensée occidentale.C'est avec la création de la géométrie déductive que le mot raison prit un sens chez les Grecs du ***Ve siècle av. J.‐C. A l'évidence sensible qui résulte du témoignage de nos sens et ne constate que le comment d'un fait observé, les géomètres grecs substituent l'évidence intelligible qui en explique le (...)
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    Planètes sonores: radiophonie, arts, cinéma.Alexandre Castant - 2007 - Blou: Monografik.
    Résultat d'une recherche sur les relations étroites entre la radiophonie, les arts plastiques et le cinéma, constituant ainsi une ébauche d'esthétique du son dans les arts visuels.
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    Sortir le territoire de sa logique exclusive.Alexandre Germain - 2012 - Philosophiques 39 (2):435.
    Le problème du partage des bénéfices liés aux ressources naturelles ne peut faire l’économie de la question territoriale. Cette question est de plus en plus abordée sous l’angle des droits territoriaux sans toutefois reposer sur une théorie générale de la territorialité qui permettrait d’éviter l’écueil de l’ethnocentricité. Nous proposons donc une définition fonctionnaliste de la territorialité permettant de distinguer des territorialités matérielles et idéelles, des territoires formels et fonctionnels, et des conceptions verticale et horizontale du territoire. Ces distinctions nous permettent (...)
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    Reflexions on Buber’s ‘Living-Centre’: Conceiving of the Teacher as ‘The Builder’ and Teaching as a ‘Situational Revelation’.Alexandre Guilherme - 2014 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 34 (3):245-262.
    There has been a shift from teaching to learning, the so-called process of ‘learnification’, which promotes the idea that teaching should be primarily concerned with the creation of rich learning environments and scaffolding student learning. In doing so, this process of ‘learnification’ has also attacked the idea that teachers have something to teach and that students have something to learn from their teachers. The influence of constructivism, and thinkers like Piaget, Vygotsky, and Bruner in this paradigm shift is quite evident; (...)
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    Traditional Sporting Games as Emotional Communities: The Case of Alcover and Moll’s Catalan–Valencian–Balearic Dictionary.Antoni Costes, Jaume March-Llanes, Verónica Muñoz-Arroyave, Sabrine Damian-Silva, Rafael Luchoro-Parrilla, Cristòfol Salas-Santandreu, Miguel Pic & Pere Lavega-Burgués - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Learning to live together is the central concern of education everywhere in the world. Traditional sporting games provide interpersonal experiences that shape miniature communities charged with emotional meanings. The objective of this study was to analyze the ethnomotor features of TSG in three Catalan-speaking Autonomous Communities and to interpret them for constructing emotional communities. The study followed a phenomenological-interpretative paradigm. The identification of TSG was done by a hermeneutic methodological approach by using an exhaustive exploratory documentary research. We studied 503 (...)
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    Marxisme orthodoxe ou marxisme occidental? La réception de Lukács en France dans les années 1940 et 1950.Alix Bouffard & Alexandre Feron - 2021 - Actuel Marx 69 (1):11-27.
    En France, Lukács est considéré aussi bien comme un représentant de l’orthodoxie marxiste que comme un auteur subversif fondateur de la tradition du marxisme hétérodoxe. Cet article revient sur la genèse de cette appréciation ambivalente, qui trouve ses sources dans les années 1940 et 1950. C’est durant ces années que s’élaborent les cadres et présupposés de la réception française de son œuvre, à travers une série d’épisodes dont les enjeux sont à la fois théoriques, éditoriaux et politiques : l’intervention de (...)
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    Discussões sobre o genocídio da juventude negra brasileira à luz de Frantz Fanton.Cristiane Silveira Santos & Alexandre Anselmo Guilherme - 2020 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 25:222-239.
    O presente trabalho reflete sobre a significativa e desigual morte de jovens negros no País. Para tanto, a produção traz uma discussão sobre o teórico martinicano Frantz Fanon que, com suas ideias sobre racismo e colonialismo, nos ajuda a reconhecer o racismo brasileiro e a condição em que vivem os jovens negros do Brasil. Apesar de Fanon afirmar que suas considerações se referem apenas ao momento histórico em que escreve e aos estudos de colonialismo, acreditamos ser fácil fazer um paralelo (...)
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    Elisabeth face à Descartes: deux philosophes?Gabriel Alban Zapata & Alexandre Declos - 2010 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 65 (4):775-780.
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    The effect of frequency and phonological neighbourhood density on the acquisition of past tense verbs by Finnish children.Minna Kirjavainen, Alexandre Nikolaev & Evan Kidd - 2012 - Cognitive Linguistics 23 (2).
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    Compatibility operators in abstract algebraic logic.Hugo Albuquerque, Josep Maria Font & Ramon Jansana - 2016 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 81 (2):417-462.
    This paper presents a unified framework that explains and extends the already successful applications of the Leibniz operator, the Suszko operator, and the Tarski operator in recent developments in abstract algebraic logic. To this end, we refine Czelakowski’s notion of an S-compatibility operator, and introduce the notion of coherent family of S-compatibility operators, for a sentential logic S. The notion of coherence is a restricted property of commutativity with inverse images by surjective homomorphisms, which is satisfied by both the Leibniz (...)
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    Qu'est-ce qu'une catégorie?: interprétations d'Aristote.Véronique Brière & Juliette Lemaire (eds.) - 2019 - Louvain-la-Neuve: Peeters.
    S'intéresser au concept de 'catégorie' dans la philosophie d'Aristote c'est se pencher sur l'un des objets qui a le plus suscité de commentaires depuis l'Antiquité jusqu'à la modernité récente -- de Porphyre à Derrida en passant par les stoïciens, Alexandre et les philosophes arabes. Loin d'être limitée au traité qui a porté ce titre ("Des catégories"), traité dont l'objet et le sens même font difficulté, la kategoria se situe à la croisée des divers champs de questionnements philosophiques aristotéliciens (...)
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    La physique: 2636 après Thalès.Denys Ridrimont - 2012 - Paris: Michel de Maule.
    Satisfaits que la connaissance soit un aller vers l'objet, les hommes se détournent au moment d'en déduire le retour. Croyant connaître, ils ne font que désirer leur propre échec. D'où vient qu'ils s'arrogent ainsi la mesure de l'abstrait selon des conditions finies? Comment cesser d'entendre "nature" (et, avec lui, tout son cortège : "être", "matière", "substance", "objet"...) dans "physique"? Le stratagème de la raison s'accompagne ipso facto d'une extase, d'une recherche de conditions qui, pour la raison, se situent précisément (...)
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    Context-Sensitivity and the Inclusion of Subjective Beliefs Have Broad Implications.Christian G. Huber, Alexandre Wullschleger & Franziska Rabenschlag - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (12):101-103.
    We commend Hempeler et al. (2024) on their important manuscript outlining a context-sensitive and patient-centered model for informal coercion in mental healthcare. Indeed, in clinical experience a...
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    The Strong Version of a Sentential Logic.Ramon Jansana, Josep Maria Font & Hugo Albuquerque - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (4):703-760.
    This paper explores a notion of “the strong version” of a sentential logic S, initially defined in terms of the notion of a Leibniz filter, and shown to coincide with the logic determined by the matrices of S whose filter is the least S-filter in the algebra of the matrix. The paper makes a general study of this notion, which appears to unify under an abstract framework the relationships between many pairs of logics in the literature. The paradigmatic examples are (...)
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    Note on a six-valued extension of three-valued logic.Josep M. Font & Massoud Moussavi - 1993 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 3 (2):173-187.
    ABSTRACT In this paper we introduce a set of six logical values, arising in the application of three-valued logics to time intervals, find its algebraic structure, and use it to define a six-valued logic. We then prove, by using algebraic properties of the class of De Morgan algebras, that this semantically defined logic can be axiomatized as Belnap's ?useful? four-valued logic. Other directions of research suggested by the construction of this set of six logical values are described.
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  46. Quantum hypercomputability?Amit Hagar & Alexandre Korolev - 2006 - Minds and Machines 16 (1):87-93.
    A recent proposal to solve the halting problem with the quantum adiabatic algorithm is criticized and found wanting. Contrary to other physical hypercomputers, where one believes that a physical process “computes” a (recursive-theoretic) non-computable function simply because one believes the physical theory that presumably governs or describes such process, believing the theory (i.e., quantum mechanics) in the case of the quantum adiabatic “hypercomputer” is tantamount to acknowledging that the hypercomputer cannot perform its task.
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    Structure et Histoire de la Philosophie.Alexandre Kojève - 2024 - Philosophie 160 (1):44-60.
    This text is the transcription, by Jamila Mascat and Sabina Tortorella, of an unpublished manuscript written by Alexandre Kojève in 1965, on the occasion of a conference held as part of the Theological Seminar of the Society of Jesus in Chantilly. In it, Kojève proposes a reformulation of some of his theses from the Introduction à la lecture de Hegel, taken up again in the Essai d’une histoire raisonnée de la philosophie païenne: on the one hand, he identifies the (...)
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    Llibres rebuts.Jaume Mensa I. Valls - 2015 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 55:151.
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    The philosophical foundations of the Cathars. On the occasion of a recent publication.Jaume Mensa I. Valls - 2015 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 54:119.
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    El retorno al paisaje.Joan Nogué I. Font - 2010 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 45:123-136.
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